A Pope Who Thinks in Centuries, Adult Stem Cells Saves Cancer Patient, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

A Pope Who Thinks in Centuries - Tracy Rowland, Catholic World Report

Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman - Ches, The Sensible Bond

Pope Addresses Rising Food Prices - Kenneth Spence, Acton Institute/PowerBlog

Adult Stem Cells Help Create New Windpipe, Save Cancer Patient - David Prentice Ph.D., LifeNews.com

Chinese Clerics Resist Pressure to Join in Illicit Ordinations- CatholicCulture.org

Ways Out of the Christian Ghetto - Joseph Weiler, Catholic Education Resource Center

Presidential Candidate Michelle Bachmann Vows Fight Against Porn, Abortion, Divorce, & Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ - Peter J. Smith, LifeSiteNews.com

For the latest round-up on the best punditry in the Catholic blogosphere go to ThePulp.it.