Mother Teresa Zings Hillary Clinton?

Abby Johnson, formerly of Planned Parenthood and now an ardent pro-lifer, tells a crowd of pro-lifers what she believes Mother Teresa said to Hillary Clinton over lunch years ago. It’s a heck of a zinger if it’s true. Here’s the video:

I would’ve loved to have seen the look on Hillary’s face.

This is one of those stories that almost feels too good to check. But after I did a little Googling the first time I can see it relayed was by former pro-life congressman Steve Chabot . I’ve also seen Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life mentioning it but nobody before Chabot.

Anyone have any corroboration on this story? I’d love for it to be true.

(I don’t mean this to be a gotcha’ thing at all. I just want to know if anyone knows the original source for this story of if they’d heard it before.)