Time for Renewal

Publisher's Note

The First Sunday of Advent, Nov. 27, signals a great time for renewal for the Church. For some, Advent represents a time of frivolity and merry making. We often forget, however, that, like Lent, Advent is also a time for introspection, prayer and fasting — a time to prepare ourselves for the perfect gift of Christ to humanity.

Senior writer Tim Drake’s page-one story on Catholics Come Home illustrates the need for all baptized Catholics — whether fallen-away or not — to renew themselves in Christ. And, as has been our custom in the past, we offer on page B1 our handy clip-out, pass-on and copy guides for Advent: “How (and Why) to Return to Sunday Mass” and How (and Why) to Return to Confession.” (More to come in upcoming issues.)

Amid the hustle and bustle of the so-called “holiday season,” let’s remember that Christ is the central figure of the narrative, and he calls us to renewal — this Advent and always.

God bless you!