Have You Visited NCRegister.com?

If you haven’t visited our website recently, you really should.

We have enhanced and expanded it over the last several months so that now, all of the stories that originate with the Register are available there to subscribers. It takes a few steps to input information from your mailing label into the computer. You can choose your own log-in name and password.

I have met Register subscribers all across the country, and have always been impressed by the number of “clippers” we have. These are readers who like to clip stories and pass them on. Accessing the story online makes this process much easier. You can click a button for a printer-friendly version and print out a neat copy to pass on.

There are also a few features available online that aren’t available in print.

Online Media Watch. In this section, our editors offer daily links to Catholic news stories of interest on other news sites. Use them carefully: We link only to respected publications, but we can’t vouch for all the content on their sites. There is a new set of links each morning and each afternoon.

Blog Watch. Our editors also look at Catholic web logs to find interesting discussions. It can be tedious wading into the blogging world, but there are some interesting items available. We make it easier to find them.

Online resources. Information available on the website include the list of top 100 Catholic movies, our Catholic Identity College Survey, our “How to Be Catholic” advent guides and other aids for your Catholic life.

Podcasts. Register editors are also regularly interviewed on the radio — particularly on Sirius satellite radio’s Catholic Channel and Relevant Radio. You can find many audio files of interviews at our site.

Daily Umbert. Umbert fans might not realize that there is a daily version of the strip available. You can get a daily dose of Umbert at our site.