English Vox Clara Committee Continues Examining Translation Document

VATICAN CITY — English-speaking bishops appointed to advise the Vatican on liturgical translations continued their examination of a document that will provide detailed translation principles and specific translation suggestions, the Vatican said.

The Vox Clara Committee met at the Vatican on March 12–14, said the statement posted on the Web site of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments.

The committee members, under the leadership of Archbishop George Pell of Sydney, Australia, continued their discussion of a proposed ratio translationis, which the congregation described as a tool “providing principles for translation that are specific to a given language.”

Vox Clara, which includes 11 bishops from eight countries, began reviewing the document during a November meeting at the Vatican.

The Vatican also said members continued examining sample translations of parts of the new Roman Missal, which contains the texts for all the prayers at Mass.

The congregation said the samples would be used as “exemplars of liturgical translations that conform to the criteria established by the instruction Liturgiam Authenticam,” the 2001 Vatican document stressing the need for fidelity and precision when translating Mass texts from the original Latin.

The Vatican did not say who developed the sample translations.

The press release said the committee also discussed “recent initiatives by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy to assure effective application of the principles of Liturgiam Authenticam” to work under way on the English translation of the new Roman Missal.

ICEL, sponsored by 11 bishops’