English Translations Controversy Will Mass in America Change? English Translations Controversy

The publication of the new missal, even after 10 years of work, is just the beginning. While it can be used immediately for celebration of Mass languages until official translations are prepared and approved by the national bishops' conferences and the Holy See.

Last year, the Congregation for Divine Worship published a new instruction on the principles for translation, Liturgiam Authenticam (Authentic Liturgy). The new instruction calls for greater fidelity to the original Latin texts, and prohibits the creation of new prayers by translation bodies.

Cardinal Medina raised the possibility of different countries adopting different translations of the missal in English, observing that there were five different Spanish translations approved for use.

“The English-speaking countries are accustomed to having only one translation,” said Medina. “But this is not the only model. The congregation is ready to approve different translations, should one country wish to submit a different translation.”

Since the Second Vatican Council, English translations have been prepared by the International Commission for English in the Liturgy (ICEL), a group that has been severely criticized by Cardinal Medina for taking too creative an approach in rendering the Latin into English.

While the procedures for the translation of the new Missal have not yet been set, if Medina is encouraging different translations of the Missal into English, it would severely reduce, if not eliminate, ICEL's role.

— Raymond J. de Souza