Baby Mugs

Name: Emma Rose Alva

Birth date: Feb. 12, 2002

Birth weight: 8 pounds, 3 ounces

Personality: Patient and happy

Latest accomplishment: Using her foot as a teether

Loves: Her older brother, Rafael, 4, and sister Elizabeth, 2; playing in the waves at the beach.

To celebrate life, the Register wants to print your baby pictures — with captions that are funny, sentimental or inspiring. A recent photo of any child 3 months to 3 years old is eligible. The best photo/caption combination will be printed each week.

Include all information you see in the feature.

For each photo we use, we'll send you a 2 ounce Baby Mug.

Send your photos to Baby Mugs.

Baby Mugs National Catholic Register 432 Washington Avenue

North Haven, CT 06473 [email protected]

Include your name, address and phone number so we can contact you for details about your baby. If you want to receive your photos back, send them with a self-addressed and stamped envelope for return mail. If possible, send a copy, not your original. We cannot be responsible for unreturned photos.