10th Anniversary

Publisher's Note

As George Harne, president of the College of St. Mary Magdalen, says in his column on page 7, “It is becoming easier to distinguish schools that are truly Catholic from those that may have a Catholic name but are essentially irreligious.”

The Register’s annual Catholic Identity College Guide, which marks its 10th year, features 38 colleges and universities. The list has grown every year, and I know there could be more. As we witness in society the erosion of marriage values, education standards and First Amendment rights, it is comforting to know that these institutions of higher education put front and center what we hold dear as Catholics.

I encourage you to peruse the list of colleges; and, as many of you have children and grandchildren of college age, to take these into account when offering your input to them about their higher-education selections.

Please pray for these schools to continue to produce faithful Catholic men and women in all professions and vocations. Also pray for those schools that are wrestling with their Catholic identities, so that they may embark on paths that lead their students and teachers to the truth of Christ and his Church.

God bless you!