Wealth Inequality, Neo-Catechumenal Way Litrugy Not Approved, End of Protestant America, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Wealth Inequality “Somebody Else’s Problem” - Anthony S. Layne, Outside the Asylum

Neo-Catechumenal Way Liturgy Not Approved by Pope Benedict XVI - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, What Does The Prayer Really Say?

The Twilight of Protestant America? - Joe Heschmeyer, Shameless Popery

Gingrich, Media Bias and the Mainstream Media as Morality Police - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

Does Morality Inhibit Freedom? - Kathleen Curran Sweeney Homiletic & Pastoral Review

Liberty or License? - Anthony Esolen, The Catholic Thing

Purpose, Palliative Care, and Respect for Human Life - Adam J. McLeod, Public Discourse

Is Homosexuality Biologically Determined? - Dr. Jeff Mirus, Cthlc Culture/On the Culture

Gay “Marriage” Coming After the Church - Joseph Fuiten, Catholic Lane

Same-Sex Science - Stanton L. Jones, First Things

Judge Rules Christian Facility Can’t Ban Gay Civil Union Ceremony - Ben Johnson, LifeSiteNews.com

Ten More Things the Devil wants us to Believe - Richard Collins, Linen on the Hedgerow

Martin Scorsese’s Next Film Based on Persecution of Catholics in Japan - Jesuit News

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