Should We Say Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit?, The Phony Science of Kinsey's Sex Study, and more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Should We Say Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit? - Dr. Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Kinsey’s Secret: The Phony Science of the Sexual Revolution - Sue Ellin Browder, Crisis Magazine

A New Beautifully Designed Church in South Carolina - The Pulpit

On Using the Pulpit - Fr. Tim Finigan, The Hermeneutic of Continuity

On Wanting To Eat Your Baby - Marc Barnes, Bad Catholic

Live Action Shows U.S. The Real War on Women - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

How were Jesus and Mary able to Remain Perfect even during Great Anguish and Sadness? - Fr. John Bartunek, Catholic Spiritual Direction

May I Have Mercy with a Side of Responsibility - Abigail C. Reimel, Ignitum Today

Bishop Mark Davies, Defensor Fidei - Dylan Parry, A Reluctant Sinner

Did Jesus Really Sin? - Marlon De La Torre, Catholic Lane

Help a Young Lady to Wear a Habit – Giving is Habit Forming

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