Letters 02.04.18

Readers respond to Register articles.

(photo: Register Files)

Our Lady Besmirched

Regarding “Notre Dame’s ‘Stunning’ About-Face” (front page, Nov. 26 issue):

Our Lady University in South Bend, Indiana, has bent the rules to make it easier for ladies to get their sex drugs without having to go to Walmart and pay $8 a month.

One wonders if Sts. Anne and Joachim realized the daughter they would have without sin may not have come to be if her namesake university had its way.

God forbid, a Catholic football team disguised as a source and summit of higher education and faith defend women from steroidal use, abortion and other convenient methodologies to interfere in the theology of the body, God’s design and marital purpose and bond.

Sex outside marriage and contraceptives, and abortion used for same, destroy women; apparently college human resource offices make the decisions abrogated by feckless Catholic-in-name-only administrators. Aren’t 59 million domestic deaths of unborn children enough to wake up these miscreant administrators? I’ll stick to recommending Thomas Aquinas College and Franciscan University; Santa Paula, California’s TAC, even threatened with a wild fire, is a safer place for indoctrinated Catholic college coeds than this former Catholic Indiana school of sexology.

As a youth minister and DRE for three decades and father of 11, I have never been more ashamed of the gold and blue. If the university wants to provide something healthy for free to its staff and students, why not try a dose of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and a paperback New American Bible?

True Catholic chivalric men would never ask a woman to have sex until the covenant marriage’s first night. This is a supposed Catholic college worshipping hell’s leadership instead of God’s.

         Len Beckman

         Anaheim, California



Regarding the “2017’s best films” feature (Arts, Jan. 21 issue), the director of Get Out is Jordan Peele (not Peel).

The Register regrets the error.