Catholic Vision of Frank Capra, Baldichin by Baldichin, Beauty is Objective, and much more!

The Best in Catholic Blogging

Behind Mighty Macs Film: Sisterhood of the Rosary - Joel & Lisa Schmidt, Practicing Catholic

The Mighty Macs is a Rush! - Peggy Bowes, Integrated Catholic Life™

Hug the Cactus - Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic

The Catholic Vision of Frank Capra - Maria Elena de las Carreras Kuntz, Crisis Magazine

Baldichin By Baldichin - Fr. John Zuhlsdorf, WDTPRS?

A Good Marriage - Bonnie Engstrom,

Beauty Is Objective - Marc Barnes, Patheos/Bad Catholic

The Friar who Led an Army against the Turks - Catholic Herald

Halo Shapes: Round or Triangular? - David Clayton, New Liturgical Movement

The Next Patriarch of Venice - Sandro Magister, Chiesa

Can a Baby be Validly Baptized with Beer? (Pope Gregory IX) - Taylor Marshall, Canterbury Tales

Should I Pay My Spiritual Director? - Dan Burke, Catholic Spiritual Direction

The Eucharist in the Early Church, Through Non-Christian Eyes - Joe Heschmeyer, Shameless Popery

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