Register Radio: Corporations Redefining Marriage & Leaving the Democratic Party

In the first half of Register Radio, Thomas Peters of CatholicVote spoke about recent corporate efforts by corporations such as J.C. Penny's, Target, and Starbucks, to advocate for homosexuality and push for the redefinition of marriage.

"Over the last year or so, gay rights organizations have stepped up their efforts to get corporations involved," said Peters. "It's not the business of corporations to define marriage."

Peters drew attention to Starbuck's, which not only issued a public statement saying that redefining marriage is one of their "core values," but which has also filed an Amicus brief to try to get state laws protecting marriage between one man and one woman struck down.

"Amazingly, there is even a petition online to get Merriam-Webster to change their definition of marriage," said Peters. "Words define morality. Definitions matter."

Asked why corporations are making these decisions, Peters said that "on the simplest level it's about money, but that the gay rights organizations are very mobilized, very wealthy, and very vocal. "Corporations are not passionately interested in the gay rights agenda. The challenge for Christians is to be as passionate about their belief that marriage is important."

In response to Starbuck's decision, Peters was involved in creating the boycott. 45,000 supporters have already signed the petition.

"We're sending the message that if you egregiously oppose marriage between one man and one woman and are going to use your profits and proceeds to redefine marriage, we will not support you," explained Peters. "The website also offers alternatives in your area where you can find coffee."

"Interest groups get involved, they take shares and they go to shareholder meetings and ask the position to take positions," said Peters. "Corporations turn when they start hearing from one side. Groups such as the Corporate Fairness Project have been working successfully to keep companies neutral. Exxon Mobil has repeatedly resisted efforts by the LGBT lobby."

"There is a hierarchy of goods - some things are more important than others, such as life, marriage, and religious liberty," explained Peters. "Corporations that take an egregious stand against the unborn, or who undermine the family and marriage, we cannot afford to ignore. Starbucks is unabashadly attacking marriage and undermining it in law and culture. There is no obligation on Catholics to boycott. You're not a bad Catholic if you don't participate in the boycott, but it is an opportunity to mortify oneself and to be a witness. Catholics are called, in a special way, to show through their lives, their distinctiveness and that this is something worth sacrificing for. We can win the culture, win on marriage, and win with corporations."

Are They Leaving the Party, or Has the Party Left Them?

In our second half, Dan Burke spoke with Matt Archbold about his recent story on Democratic official Jo Ann Nardelli's decision to quit her party.

"Her family has always been Catholic Democrats. She had an important position in the party," explained Archbold. "She was stunned when she saw Vice President Joe Biden supporting homosexual 'marriage' on Meet the Press. She previously had related to Biden because he seemed like a regular guy and reminded her of her father. When the president followed with his support, she realized it was politically calculated. When she received the agenda from the party that they were supposed to espouse this, she said she could not do it. It was a tipping point."

Archbold explained that her decision has not only affected her party, but her entire social circle as well.

Dan Burke mentioned a CNA/EWTN story that shows that Nardelli's decision is not an isolated case. Approximately 50 Democrats in the state of Mississippi have made the decision to leave their party, seven of whom have done so following the vice president and president's public support for so-called same-sex 'marriage.'

To learn more, listen to today's show at 2 p.m. EASTERN Friday on any EWTN Radio affiliate. The program re-airs at 7 p.m. EASTERN on Saturday and 11 a.m. EASTERN on Sunday, and is also available on the Register Radio web page, and via podcast.


Miniature from a 13th-century Passio Sancti Georgii (Verona).

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