America Needs to Take a Good, Hard Look at Abortion

Lila Rose is the president of Live Action, one of the country’s foremost pro-life organizations.  Working with former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, she recently launched a new website,

It features animated videos demonstrating what happens during the four most common abortion procedures. The videos are narrated by Levatino, a practicing obstetrician/gynecologist who performed over 1200 abortions in his career. The information contained in the videos was peer-reviewed by doctors and other medical professionals. 

Despite the fact that the videos are animated and the narration is strictly matter-of-fact, they are nonetheless extremely difficult to watch. And that is precisely the point: Rose’s goal is to expose the harsh realities of abortion. “Our experience shows us that once people see the violent reality of what abortion does to a preborn child, it’s hard for them to justify it,” as the Live Action website puts it.

These videos have the potential to become extremely powerful tools for the pro-life cause.  It’s hard to imagine even the most ardent pro-abortion activist not wanting to avert her gaze while watching these animated depictions of what “choice” really means.

The videos demonstrate these four types of abortion procedures:

  • medical abortion with the use of RU-486, used in the earliest stages of pregnancy
  • aspiration (suction) abortion, used especially between 6 and 12 weeks
  • dismemberment (dilation & extraction) abortion, the method most commonly used during the 2nd trimester
  • induction abortion with the use of digoxin, used during the 3rd trimester

Here is the video showing an aspiration (or suction) abortion, the most commonly used abortion procedure:

The website also includes interviews with Dr. Levatino on a variety of topics including whether abortion is ever medically necessary to save the life of a mother.  Levatino also describes his change of heart about abortion following the tragic death of his five-year-old daughter.

Lila Rose urges people to spread the word about these videos, which so clearly show the horrific, painful reality of abortion.