Did Bishops Diss The Pope?

One thing you never want to do is leave the Pope hanging.

Check out this video of the Pope offering his hand for a shake to Bishops on a greeting line.  Bishop after Bishop let the Pope pass by without shaking his hand.  One or two may have missed it, but this seems a little fishy to me.

ht Mark.

I don’t like to read into things, but was this some sort of silent protest over working hours or something?  I haven’t seen a reception this icy since I told my wife I would be playing golf with my buddies all weekend.

So what is up with this?  Is this on purpose or is every Bishop here blind?

Miniature from a 13th-century Passio Sancti Georgii (Verona).

St. George: A Saint to Slay Today’s Dragons

COMMENTARY: Even though we don’t know what the historical George was really like, what we are left with nevertheless teaches us that divine grace can make us saints and that heroes are very much not dead or a thing of history.