Media Watch: Eden Foods Boycott

This week, I reported on a Twitter campaign to boycott Eden Foods. The effort was launched after Michael Potter, the Catholic co-founder and president of the organic food company antagonized liberal commentators by suing the federal government over the HHS contraception mandate.  

Eden Foods worries that the boycott could affect the company’s bottom line – and maybe it will. But no one has provided data confirming who, precisely, is generating the furious tweets, though the “data mining” experts paid to deconstruct our Facebook and online shopping activity may well know the answer. 

But Sabrina Schaeffer, who heads the Independent Women’s Forum, just posted a timely report that points to the  possibility that liberal activist groups, rather than irate consumers could be leading the Eden Foods boycott. As she makes clear, millions of dollars are flowing to partisan liberal groups on the web that constantly troll for new opportunities to revive fears of a “war on women.”  

Potter, of course, would be a natural target because his lawsuit challenges the liberal dogma of reproductive rights. 

Schaeffer’s larger point is that conservatives working on social issues are outnumbered and out-spent on the web, and that needs to change.  Her analysis helps explain the flash mob phenomena of the 2012 campaign season --  who could forget the broadside against the hapless Susan G. Komen Foundation,  as well as the over-night celebrity of Sandra Fluke?

Pro-lifers, and those who support traditional marriage and religious freedom can take a page from these campaigns—minus the character assassination tactics.  In fact, Molly Hemingway recently wielded Twitter’s magic to  break through the media backout on the Gosnell trial.  Let's do it again!