
Several sites are reporting that Father Roy Bourgeois has been excommunicated (even his Wikipedia entry has been updated!). At this writing the reports, including Wikipedia, are citing a Nov. 12 press release as evidence.

We wonder why the press release is dated Nov. 12, and doesn’t mention excommunication. I have a call in. More when we hear it.

In the meanwhile, here’s the news story the Register did in this week’s issue about the priest’s dissent on women’s ordination.

And here’s that Maryknoll press release:

“Statement regarding Father Roy Bourgeois

“The Maryknoll Society did receive a confidential communiqué from the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, and forwarded the contents of that communiqué to Father Bourgeois. The Society continues to respect the confidentiality of the communications between the Congregation
of the Doctrine of the Faith and Father Bourgeois.”

“The Society will abide by the decision of the Congregation. At the same time, we have an obligation to ensure the canonical rights of our members, and we will fulfill that obligation.”

— Tom Hoopes