7 Possible Headlines if Pope Benedict Donated Money to Mugging Victim

Just imagine what the media would be saying if Pope Benedict XVI had done what Pope Francis did recently.

According to The Catholic Herald, Pope Francis gave €200 to a woman who had written to the pope about being a victim of a mugging. And then last week a package arrived at the door of a local priest from the pope saying: “Please deliver in the manner it deems appropriate, the relevant amount to the lady in question, that it is a gift of His Holiness, who offers her his apostolic blessing accompanied by desired aid and divine comfort for her and for her husband.”

I love that Pope Francis did this. And the media is loving the story as well. But I'm just wondering how the media would've handled this same story during the previous papacy. Here's seven possible headlines if Pope Benedict XVI had done the same thing:


7) Pope gives .0000001% of Vatican riches to mugging victim.

6) Pope possibly laundering money?

5) Benedict XVI So Desperate About Dwindling Church, He's Now Paying Off Catholics.

4) Pope, who was a member of Hitler Youth, donates money.

3) Pope Gives to woman, Still Refuses to Ordain Women.

2) Vatican Attempts Desperate PR Move.

1) They Wouldn't Have Covered It At All.